Sustainability Skills in Demand

Learn the skills needed to address the environmental and social challenges facing the world today.

People sitting around a table reading documents related to sustainability.

With our growing population and the increasing impacts of climate change, the ability to implement sustainable solutions is crucial for ensuring long-term environmental health, economic stability, and social well-being. 

By fostering sustainability skills, we empower people to make informed decisions, innovate responsibly, and contribute to a more resilient and equitable future. Integrating these skills into education and professional development across Ireland not only enhances individual growth but also drives collective progress towards a sustainable planet.

Introducing a new range of courses on eCollege designed to help you realise your career potential and meet employer needs. Whether you're just starting out or have some experience and want to advance, we offer courses to suit your needs. Let's explore a couple of eCollege courses that provide training in highly sought-after skills:

Introduction to Sustainability

People sitting around a table discussing a document.

This online course provides learners with a practical introduction to environmental sustainability. Learners will develop a broad awareness of sustainability, and key climate action topics that impact climate change. This course delivers industry-developed learning to participants enabling them to understand the impact of their workplace’s environmental and sustainability strategies and how they can support, irrespective of their position or level.

This short course is a blend of online self-study with an instructor-led live workshop. 

You can find out about this course here. 

Introduction to Biodiversity 

Plants in a field covered in morning dew.

This online course provides learners with an introduction to biodiversity. Learners will develop a broad awareness of what biodiversity is, the current state of biodiversity in Ireland today and explore some of the positive actions that we can take to improve biodiversity.  This course delivers industry-developed learning to participants enabling them to understand the impact of their workplace on biodiversity and how they can support biodiversity, irrespective of their position or level.

You can find out more about this course here

Introduction to Energy Management 

An energy meter displaying kilowatts.

This online course provides learners with an introduction to the area of Energy Management within an organisational setting. Learners will develop a broad awareness energy management in the context of sustainability and explore some of the positive actions that we can take to improve energy usage and efficiency.  This course delivers industry-developed learning to participants enabling them to understand the impact of their workplace on energy and how they can support responsible energy management, irrespective of their position or level.

You can find out more about this course here

Introduction to Water Conservation 

A barrel filled with water with one droplet splashing into it.

This online course provides learners with an introduction to the area of Water Conservation with an organisational setting. Learners will develop a broad awareness water conservation, understand the current global challenges with water supply and several water-conservation approaches that support preserving water as a critical resource. This course delivers industry-developed learning to participants enabling them to understand the impact of their workplace on water and how they can support responsible water usage, irrespective of their position or level.

You can find out more about this course here